After button week, we counted pockets every day. Our total for the week was 614. We have had 800 buttons donated to our contest. Keep them coming in until May. Thank you so much. Each day we counted the buttons that each of us wore and used that many unifix cubes to show tens and ones. The students got to see how place value worked. On Friday, we regrouped the extra ones into tens, the extra tens into hundreds, and discovered that we had 10 hundreds! The final count was 1,064 buttons worn all week. Wow, that was exciting. We are also counting the donated buttons each day until the end of the year. We have a contest with Mrs. Day's class to see who collects the most by May. We are watching place value in action. We also graphed the buttons in a bull's eye graph and a venn diagram. We described the attributes of buttons and played a game called Bodacious Button. Next week, we will count pockets all week. Wear clothes with lots of pockets each day.
May 28--LITERACY DAY--Parents invited. Please send gently used books this week for a book trade. (My 40th wedding anniversary)
May 31--NO SCHOOL--Memorial Day
June 1--NEWSPAPER DAY--We will clean our desks in the afternoon and take our tote trays home. Please don't ride a bike or scooter that day. Scrub tote trays at home and return them the next day.
June 2--TALENT SHOW--10:00 in the gym. Parents are welcome. If you want to perform, please have your talent sheet (or make one of your own) in by this Friday.
June 3--LAST DAY--Students get their little autograph book and report card. We are out at 12:15.
Our MATH MARKET was lots of fun. Thank you for sending some neat things to sell. This Friday, Mrs. Day's class will host the Math Market.
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE. We only have about 5 more books left and the librarian will give our class a treat. Also the Bonanza Gold Mine books are to be in on Monday. If your child hasn't made it yet, I'll keep on sending books until they do. Only 5 more to go!
Our 1st gr. Field Day is on Thurs. May 27th at Flat Iron Mesa.
Please DRESS FOR THE WEATHER. WEAR GOOD WALKING SHOES. We will play 4 games from our room mothers. (Michelle Elbel, Misti Hobson, Mary Poelman, Kim Stanley, Rebecca Hamilton, and Mrs. Edwards. We are planning to have lunch at the park. THESE KIDS HAVE HOME LUNCHES THAT DAY. Alexis, Anastasia, April,Ashlin, Elizabeth, Hannah, Kalli, Lizzy, Greg, James, Logan,& Malik. All the rest have a lunch ordered from the cafeteria.
On Friday, May 28th, we will have our LITERACY DAY for the whole school. A magician will come from 11:00-12:00. (Parents are invited) From 12:00-1:00 the parents who come to Literacy Day and their kids can eat lunch together out on the lawn. IF PARENTS WANT A SCHOOL SACK LUNCH, PLEASE SEND THE $3.00 on Monday. We will keep the same lunch orders for students as for all the other field trips. See the above list to see who has home lunches. All the rest will have a sack lunch from school.
This is the last month of my 30 year career of teaching. I can't believe that it is ending. I have LOVED it and I know I will miss seeing the kids, parents and teachers at Silver Mesa. I will still be teaching though. I am going to teach Lily (2) and Casey (4) for the next two years until my husband retires from teaching 4th grade. It will be a good way to transition from the job I love. Thank you for all of your kindnesses.
Core Words: 35words. The hardest are: were, when, of, with, for, from, where, by
Author of the Month-Eric Carle
Eric Carle has a unique collage style for his art. Many of his books have animals in them, which goes well with our study of animals this month.
We both teach elementary school. Two of our four children also teach school. We are able to enjoy our 7 grandchildren, because they all live within 20 minutes away. We also visit Zion just about every year. It is our favorite place in the world.
Mandi came from the district to teach us about choosing nutritious food and being active every day. She encouraged us to try some new fruits and vegetables each week. Childhood obesity is a huge problem now and our district has made some wonderful changes this year to address this problem. Most children are responding and loving the good food.
Our class guinea pig, Fluffy loves to squeak and warble to the kids, especially when we sing. He begs for carrots when we come in from lunch recess. I sometimes read a Fluffy chapter book while our Fluffy wanders inside the circle cage that the students form on the rug. He is 3 years old.
Fluffy Circle
About once or twice a month, I have the kids make a "cage" for Fluffy while I read a Fluffy chapter book.
Math Boxes--Our last math box packets will go home on May 3rd
Thank you for supporting your children with all the math explorations that you have done at home. I hope you have enjoyed watching your child blossom with greater understanding as they practiced what they learned at school and applied them with fun activities that I suggested or you provided for them. I developed this Math Box program in 1991 and have taught teachers all over the state about how to use it or adapt it for their Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade classes. This is my original creation that I am most proud of through all of my 30 years of teaching. I know it will go on in many schools even though I am retiring. Thank you for helping your kids with it. During the summer, you could pull out the Math Box to review some favorite activities.
April/May-- Character Counts book
This last Character Ed. book is called ONE. Enjoy it at home and send it back quickly. We only have 28 more days of school. We have 26 kids.
VIP - Discovery Day
I did the first Discovery Day in the gym. We did a gentle yoga session and then came back to talk about Fluffy, our pet guinea pig.
R. and his dad and sister helped us make stained glass window ornaments. It was lots of fun.
A. lived in Taiwan for 2 years. He showed us pictures of many places there. We got to lace up a red bag with Chinese writing and a coin inside.
S. led us in a game called Candle Tag. Her mom brought cupcakes for her birthday that same day.
This week K. passed out little football games which they played with partners across their desks.
M. was excited to share a fun art project with the class. The students either got to make an elephant, crocodile, monkey, or lion to glue to a close pin magnet. We had cupcakes for his birthday too.
A's parents and aunt came to teach us about music, rhythm and playing BoonWhackers. We had a great time creating music. It was incredibly fun.
C. and her mom let us practice our soccer bowling in the gym. It was a blast. Thank you for the goodie bag.
A.brought her mom and grandma to talk to us about our teeth. We have about 20 teeth now and we'll end up with 32. It's important to take care of them. Thank you for the bags of dental supplies and our sugarless gum.
L. brought a poster of many things that he likes to do. He likes to ski, mountain bike, sled, and plant the garden. His mom brought pumpkin seeds that we got to plant. How fun it will be to watch them grow.
A. and his mom taught us about birds. We got to make some clay bird nests and decorate them with twigs, scraps, and beads. We also got to take home some birdseed and jellybean eggs.
G's mom works at Primary Children's Hospital. She talked to us about safety in all areas of our lives. She gave us lots of handouts to take home and we painted a little picture to reinforce safety.
E.'s mom brought many costumes for us to use our imaginations to act out several Nursery Rhymes. We had a great time in the gym.
V. and his parents and grandmother taught us about Brazil. His mom is from Recife, Brazil, so we learned a little Portuguese and tasted Brazilian treats and Guarana, a delicious drink. We also saw some pictures and made masks.
A.'s mom taught us about Russia where she was born 20 years ago. A. is fluent in Russian and English now. Her parents own a company that sells Siberia goggles. She gave everyone some goggles! Thank you so much.
J. loves trains. So his mom brought candy ingredients to make trains. The students loved putting them together!
E. and her parents let us experience parachutes and then see a fantastic ride on a power parachute. We loved the brownies too.
L. and her mom and grandma taught us about art. Her grandma was a teacher. She had us draw a grasshopper and use our powers of observation. She taught us about insects as we drew.
K.'s dad showed us some incredible special effects in movies. He works on commercials and showing others how to create special effects. K. was the star in his movie. Her mom made some delicious decorated cookies.
J's mom talked about her job as a planner for home decorating shows. She sets up where all the booths do their demos at the Expo Center as well as many other venues. She showed us a picture of her with Michael Jackson's dad.
Our students loved playing the Christmas Bingo game that A's grandma brought for her Discovery Day. We played it with skittles and got to eat them after.
B. and her mom and dad talked about airplanes. She also gave us each an airplane. She has been to Disneyland 14 times! Their family loves to go there. We played Mickey Mouse Bingo.
A. and her mom and dad taught us about pianos. Each of them played the piano. Her dad even laid on the bench on his back, crossed his hands and played a song! We got to make origami pianos to take home.
Mrs. Morley loves Halloween. She likes candy corn! She read the Ox Cart man and talked about communities. She has a cat and two new puppies. We love her.
P. and her mom taught a lesson about bones. Her mom is an xray technician, so she displayed many real xrays in her light machine. This picture has a quarter lodged in a child's throat. We got to make a skeleton art project with Qtips. She also gave us bone pencils and stretchy skeletons. Thank you so much.
H. and her mom taught us some basics about music. Her mom is a piano teacher, so we played a tic tac toe game about quarter, half and whole notes. We listened to music and matched the mood to different seasons, and other categories. It was musically magical.
G. and his parents wowed us with some magic tricks and then played a game with us with tennis balls. We also learned that bananas are a brain food to help us learn better, so we all got to eat some bananas.
K's dad told us about some of the inventions that people have made. He works in a patent office. He showed us items from iphones to hocky sticks. He liked to invent things with Legos when he was a boy, so he gave us each a bag of candy legos. It was such an imaginative half hour.
Miss Vanderhoof did an amazing job with her Discovery Day. She talked about going to Kenya in the summer to teach deaf children. She taught the children some sign language and showed them an African outfit that some of the mothers made her. She shared some African instruments with the class and let them try them out. We got to make some creative drums to take home.
J. and his parents talked about baseball. His dad is an umpire and we saw his equipment and practiced calling a batter out, safe, strike, or ball. They gave the kids marshmallow balls, pencil bats, and mints. We also sang "Take me out to the Ballgame."
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